3. Gravity and Orbits

Major theme: The Music of the Spheres – how we came to know the universe.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the epistemology of astronomy: how we came to know the clockwork universe and the physics if the natural world.  The theory of astronomical knowledge, especially with regard to its methods, validity, and scope. Epistemology is the investigation of what distinguishes justified belief from opinion.
  • Explain the element’s of Newton’s universal law of gravitation.
  • Use the laws of motion and gravitation to explain planetary motion.
  • Explain how tidal forces from the Sun and Moon create Earth’s tides.
  • Describe the effects of tidal forces on solid bodies.


4.1 Gravity is a Force between any two objects due to their masses.

4.2 An orbit is one body “falling around” another.

4.3 Tidal forces are caused by gravity.

4.4 Tidal forces affect solid bodies.

Activities & Assignments:

Review the class notes folder

Read textbook: Chapter 4

Conceptual Physics POGIL: Universal Gravitation (see class notes folder)

PhET lab: Explore Gravity and Orbits; see instructions in the class notes folder.

Lab 1-Physics of Astronomy ancillary resources:
Step 3: Energy Skate Park computer applet
Step 4: Newton’s Cradle
Step 7: Apollo astronaut’s experiment

Extra Resources:

Star Chart of the Month

ClassAction: Renaissance Astronomy: Gravity (lessons 12-23)

Pair & Share: Newton’s Law of Gravity (pg. 29-31)

Science360: Newton’s Three Laws

Star Party at Chamberlain Observatory

Kepler Observatory’s Tally of Planets.

Newton’s thought experiment with Orbits

Visit website: www.nineplanets.org

Gravity Assist Simulator – see the lab instructions in the class notes folder. The lab uses NASA’s Gravity Assist Simulator.